Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's Sunday evening

Following the Sunday evening tradition Betty, Billy, Tyran, Ria, and myself had dinner and a movie. We had chicken fajitas with spanish rice and watched My Life in Ruins, a cute (not exactly B, more like A--) movie about a woman who had no Kefi - which in Greece means spirit or luck.

She tries so hard to live life that she forgets to just live. She meets Poupi (yes, Poupi... Poupi Kakas), who is the bus driver, and he shows her with just a few words and a lot of simple but meaningful gestures how much life can mean... especially when you have someone to share it with.

It was a wonderful evening, we all found ourselves laughing uproariously at all the jokes in the movie and the mistakes Georgia made as she tried to find her Kefi. Dinner was good and the company was even better - it was a perfect way to end the weekend. Here's wishing Tyran good Kefi at her new job tomorrow!

Good night,


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